Search HyperElias©WorldcatalogueHTM by Google.
Google has all HyperElias-pages cached and updates them regularly.
Some hints for using this search function:
This free customized search tool by GoogleTM narrows searches only down to the domain level ( In order to be sure to get precise results you should use "Hyperelias" as additional search term together with your own ones.
You can get results for a specific language of HyperElias-entries by using the language code as (apostrophed) search term, f.e. "-ned-" (publications in Dutch)
You can get results for a specific category of HyperElias-entries by using the category key as (apostrophed) search term, f.e. "-L-" (literary pieces by Elias), and you can combine these codes, f.e. "B-ned" (books in Dutch). (See a sample search output)
please repeat the search after the first attempt, because Google™ often hides additional results from the same homepage, displaying the following message: In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the (number of hits) already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.
By using the cached version of the indicated HyperElias-page, you can find the search terms quickly and easily on the page, because GoogleTM highlights them in the cached text (See an example).
You can use GoogleTM also directly by using the following syntax for a simple search: "hyperelias yoursearchterm". Thus the complex features of this search engine can be used fully, like the choice of your display language.