HyperElias© WorldCatalogueHTM

(online for 6 years now: since December 2001)

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News, Additions & Updates (details):
(last general update: November 13th, 2007)


compiled by:


Ingo Mörth (mailto)

Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Dokumentation & Internet-Recherchen/ 
Scientific responsibility, documentation & internet searches


Gerhard Fröhlich (mailto)

Wiisenschaftliche Ko-Leitung, Datenbank-Recherchen/
Scientific co-responsibility, Data base searches


with collaboration of 
Werner Höbart
& Michael Pellosch

Web-Design, Archiv-Recherchen & Sekundärliteratur/
Webdesign, archival searches & secondary literature



 deutsche Einleitung & Bedienungsanleitung;


 English introduction & instructions;


 remarques préliminaires & instructions françaises;


 introducción & instrucciónes en español;


 Nederlandse introductie (& Flams & Afrikaans, work in progress);


 introduzione & instruzione italiana (work in progress);


 introdução & instrução em Português (work in progress).