HyperElias© WorldCatalogueHTM
A comprehensive, contextual and referential
bibliography and mediagraphy
of all works and public statements
by Norbert Elias
This online-bibliography tries to incorporate ALL "white", "gray" and even manuscript materials, including all oral communications by Norbet Elias ever made public directly or indirectly worldwide, in all available print and AV-media. Furthermore, all reprints and translations are mentioned. Thus it goes beyond the up to now largest existing bibliography of the Elias Foundation.
Furthermore, references towards the Norbert Elias Archive (now at Marbach/DE) and the "Complete Edition of Norbert Elias" are mentioned in the context of any presently available publication. Thus the claim of an "Elias world catalogue" is meeted.
The great advantage of this bibliography is therefore:
the inclusion of "gray literature" and interviews in all media by Elias;
the incorporation of all reprints and translations;
the reference towards online versions of any material by Norbert Elias;
the elaborated online-cross-reference to all items and texts;
the inclusion of explicitely every language of publication worldwide;
the reference towards the Elias Archive and the "Complete Edition" of Norbert Elias.
This bio-bibliographical documentation started with our bibliography "Veröffentlichungen von Norbert Elias 1921 - 1991" ("Publications by Norbert Elias 1921 - 1991"), pp. 269 - 284 in the book "Der unendliche Prozeß der Zivilisation. Zur Kultursoziologie der Moderne nach Norbert Elias" (H. Kuzmics and Ingo Moerth (eds.): "The never ending process of civilization. Cultural sociology after Norbert Elias", Frankfurt am Main etc. 1991: Campus). We wish to thank the publisher, Campus Verlag, and our editor, Mr. Adalbert Hepp, for the permission to use the original bibliography as basis.
Based upon that, it was updated and completed from 1991 onwards, enlarged by the categories mentioned above and reworked for internet-use by changing all internal references into clickable links.
In addition to that, all available full text versions, reviews and abstracts, excerpts and facsimiles of Elias texts are included by citing and/or mirroring the source.
Operating instructions
Each entry is characterized by a key, compiled by
year of publication, writing or recording
category (see below)
language (ger, eng, fra, ned, ita, spa, swe, jap ...)
successive number
The categories are:
B = book (scientific) by Norbert Elias (author or co-author, editor or co-editor)
A = article (scientific) in a journal or collective volume (author or co-author)
L = literary piece (book, essay, poem, drama ...)
I = interview, other dialogue (f.e. participation at a discussion), including radio and TV-broadcasts
G = "grey" publication (scientific), f.e. research report,
R = report, lecture, speech
M = manuscript or letter (if held by an archive or cited by others)
N = reprint, reissue (any of the above categories)
T = translation (any of the above categories)
example: 1939-B-ger-2
= book, published 1939 in German, with the successive no. 2 (within the
categorial group "books in German 1939").
and explanations are, due to the original bibliography we started with,
still in German, although some key explanations have been added in English, too.
A glossary of most German terms used for explanation follows.
Anhang = appendix
= research report
= reprint
= new edition
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